Besides Microsoft SQL Server there are various other databases which exist in industry and are widely used among the various corporate clients. While you will most likely be able to obtain an ADO.NET data provider directly from the database but you can always go and get the ADO.NET data provider for the database of your choice from

The ADO.NET providers exist for following dbs SQLite, IBM DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, TurboDB, Sybase and etc.


If you recall starting .NET 1.1 until .NET 3.5 all the .NET platform shipped with an assembly named System.Data.OracleClient.dll, which was one of the recommended data provider to connect .NET appplication with Oracle databas.seas the name suggests, offered a data provider to communicate with Oracle databases.

With the release of 4.0, Microsoft made this assembly obsolete and will eventually be deprecated.

The reason is certainly not that Microsoft only wants SQL Server and other MS specific Dbs to be used using .NET, but the actual reason is that Oracle corp provides its own custom .NET assembly, which follows the same overall design guidelines as the data providers provided by Microsoft.

You can download this assembly free of cost from Oracle corp’s web site at


If you are looking for Web Service project template in Visual Studio 2010 under .NET Framework 4.0 as shown in the image below, you will not find it.

In order to create a WebService using Visual Studio 2010 you need to switch back to .NET Framework 3.5, as shown in the image below, and you will be able to crate a WebServeice project.

What are the contents of Service1.asmx

September 7th, 2010 | Posted by Vidya Vrat in ASP .NET - (0 Comments)

In any version of Visual Studio, when you create a WebService, it comes with a default Service1.asmx file. When you double-click on this file it opens Service1.asmx.cs file for you, why? and what is the content in this file then? and how do you view it?

In order to view what is inside Service1.asmx, select the file in Solution-Explorer, right-click, and choose “Open With…”

From the shown dialog, select the option “Source Code(Text) Editor, click OK, you will see content like this:

These are the instructions Service1.asmx have and so it opens the Service1.asmx.cs, whenever you double-click on Service1.asmx, as its .cs file is the CodeBehind.